My Simple Tips for Finding Inspiration



Hi there!,  Welcome back to my blog this week for some more inspiring information towards creating a more enjoyable work environment for your own photo and design world.

This week’s post is about providing tips towards finding inspiration when you are lacking that creative spark, while also helping you discover and network with other amazing bloggers that will help in find a diverse range of new brands. So keep your eyes out for links that will forward you to their blog so you can check out their amazing posts as well!

Here are some of the ways that I find inspiration…

  1. Taking A Break: Entails that I remove myself from my working environment and focus on something completely different. Trying exploring some new activities and/or hobbies that include watching a new show on Netflix, take a long well needed nap, put headphones in a jam to some music, read that intriguing book that has been sitting on your shelf for a while, or for a more artistic approach start sketching in a sketchbook.


  1. Get Moving: Obviously means to stand up and be active. Yes, actually moving and doing some pretty fun activities like going to the gym and getting your sweat on, walking your dog, taking a run or walk at your local park and getting some fresh air, and/or if you live near a more exotic type park like a State or National Park go and take a hike into the wilderness (but please be careful!). Also some of my favorite activities (if you’re near a water source) are camping, kayaking, paddle boarding, canoeing, swimming, and so on and so forth.


  1. Traveling: This is one of my top enjoyments and inspirational activities of all time. I am a huge fan of road trips due to being able to explore a new environment and discover a whole new range of activities and experiences that I would not be able to accomplish in my own town. Going on a cruise to some exotic island (maybe even Alaska), a three day music festival, or taking a plane ride to an international country like Italy, London, or German. Sometimes you don’t have to go that far to get some creative exploration going; places like a local art museum, a local zoo, exploring local farmers markets and downtown stores, or a new coffee shop or eatery.




  1. The Internet: Yes, that is right I did say the internet. Sometimes you just need some quick sparks of inspiration due to certain deadlines, timing issues, or more important tasks at hand. My enjoyable internet locations to achieve some quick motivation are Pinterest, StumbleUpon, CreativeLive, Creative Bloq, TEDtalks, and sometimes just simply exploring other bloggers on a variety of Social Medias.


  1. Spending Time with Others: Which can be a wide range of individuals, such as people who are close to the heart as family, children, and a spouse. Also getting out of the comfort zone by associating with others like fellow colleagues, meeting up with old class mates, or having a drink with a close friend.


  1. Have Fun: This is the best advice of all! Don’t be sad, be glad and have a fun time. Creative inspiration never comes from a sad mind, so go listen to a local bar band, enjoy an amazing concert, go eat at an exotic restaurant, cook a favorite meal, make personal color swatches, go to a Wine & Painting class, shop for amazing clothes, anything that gets the mind out of that horrible rut!


  1. Connect: Yep, that is right. Connecting with other bloggers or fellow individuals with different ideas, thoughts, and ways of processing will help establish a new spark for creativity. Fellow blogger White Oak Creative helps establish a blogger link-up that encourages others to participate, connect, and network with other bloggers on ideas that keep them inspired. Check out their page at White Oak Creative  and some other inspirational bloggers also:

Something Good
New Client Magnet
Not Very Obsessed
Blonde in the Button Up
Design for Business
The Actor’s Diet
Sarah Michiko
Clarice Gomes Designs
The Kissing Booth Blog

I hope you enjoyed this weeks post, and thank you for reading.

Don’t forget to follow on Bloglovin!

4 thoughts on “My Simple Tips for Finding Inspiration

  1. Thanks for participating in the link-up! All of the things on your list are also on my own! I find that I have to have the perfect mix of 80-20. Where 20 percent is spent on the computer, but the rest is exploring and doing things more physical!


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