New Brand & Identity Concept for a Bank

Hello there! Welcome back to Jennifer’s Visual Design Blog section. I know I have not been able to publish here lately due to some overwhelming projects. Since the semester has come to an end, and I have room to breath now. I wanted to show a few of the projects that I have been working on throughout my college semester.

This particular project is aimed toward establishing a new brand and identity for a small town bank that I have known for years. This particular bank is not quite up-to-date with today’s technology that is provided within our society. I started this project in aims to help understand the key benefits towards keeping up-to-date with the everyday standards within the technological world that we live in. I started from scratch with a new color palette, and then worked my way towards making this bank mobile worthy.  Within this blog post I am going to show what elements I presented within different outlooks, and show you what the overall identity would be presented for this brand.

Awards in:

Silver : Logo & Icon Design : American Advertisement Federation of Fort Wayne : February 1st, 2018



Website & App

Credit Card Concept